This is how we understand handmade ice cream
Ice cream is not only some kind of art, but also a science. It requires precision during the processes and some chemical knowledge. With just using some common elements and techniques, the range of options for making ice cream are as wide as the horizon. That is the reason why we are so fascinated about handmade ice cream. We love to explore this territory where the classic roads and the paths of the newness meet, offering limitless possibilities. Here lies the reason why we care so much about tipycal flavours of our region like mantecao o turrón ice cream, and also not that tipycal flavours like chocolate panettone ice cream or Anís Salas sorbet.
We did not need to much time to realize that the key to have a good handmade ice cream was the selection of the best raw materials. This principle, that can be applied to any gastronomic ellaboration, becomes essential when it comes to ice cream. Let’s just think about a mango sorbet. When we try it, the mango has to face the taste buds on its own. The tones and the deepness of the flavour will only depend on the quality of the mango that we have used to make the sorbet. This might sound obvious, but is one of the keys of our way to understand ice cream.
Every litter of ice cream sold in our bakery shops are made from scratch by hand in our workroom, that is, in the basement that is located just under the showcase where we place the ice cream. From the bakery to the showcase are only a few metres, so the freshnees of the ice cream is guaranteed.
Two of our three main concerns are raw materials and precission during the processes. The third is variety. We love to play and experiment. As we say, the ice cream horizon is truly wide and it let creativity freely wander. So if you come to visit us, we can not tell you which flavours will you find in our showcase. You will probably find our famous flavours like panettone, turrón or our mantecao ice cream, among others. However, there will be also surprises because we are always trying new flavours and new possibilities. Some of our favorites creations are caramel and date ice cream, Anís Salas sorbet, biscuit cake with chocolate or tosted peanut with salty caramel. We want that you can always find something new when you come to visit us, a nice surprise.
If you like our handmade ice cream, you will love for sure our icre cream milkshakes. We have two flavours: Bonbon panettone and Oreo. They are only made with milk, handmade icre cream and cream. Nothing less, nothing further.