Our handmade panettone

29.90 IVA incluído
29.90 IVA incluído
29.90 IVA incluído

The making of our panettone artigianale

A handmade panettone needs four days to be made. The magic begins with the yeast made from flour and fruit juice, that is also daily refresh. This mother yeast needs to be refresh every three hours until it gets the ideal peak of maturity. Once this is made, it is time to knead the dough —made of butter, flour, yolk, water and mother yeast. Then, we let it ferment during the night. On the next day, the dough is knead again, but this time adding suggar, honey and more yolk and butter. During this step we also add the ingredients of each of our panettone: chocolate, turrón, candied Orange, citron, toffee, etc. Once they are placed in its paper mould, they need to ferment during the whole night in order to be bake the next morning. They still need to rest another nigh up side down before they can be put in bags.

The last step is taking them to your home. You can buy our handmade panettones in our bakery shops or online in this website.

This is how we make our handmade panettone in our bakery in Aspe, Alicante.

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Do you want to know more about our panettone artigianale?

The importance of the mother yeast and good ingredients

If you want to know more about our handmade panettones, you can’t miss this video. Here we explain how important is to have a good and natural mother yeast and also natural ingredients. We also show you how we make our handmade panettone step by step in our bakery in Aspe (Alicante) so you can follow every single detail of the process.

Our family tradition

A saga that comes from 1758

If you want to know more about our family tradition, we have to go back to the middle of the Eighteenth Century. In 1758, Vicente Asencio and Margarita Almodóvar began to work as pastry chefs and confectioners in the city of Aspe, in Alicante. Short time after, Vicente obtained the title of Master Confectioner from the Guild of Mestres Sucrers of Valencia. The family baton has been going from generation to generation until arriving to the hands of Raúl Asencio, Teresa Navarro and their team.

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